6 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health And Maintain A Balanced Life


Being emotionally healthy does not imply that one is happy all the time. It means you are well aware of your emotions. You can deal with it, whether they are positive or negative.Key Facts of WHO states that the effects of not treating adolescent mental health issues extend to adulthood, impairing both physical and psychological […]

Can Meditation and Mindfulness help for Better Sleep?


Mindful Guides Program is a self-paced online learning course for people committed to living a fully engaged and happy life. It combines proven psychological theories and brain science, self-reflective exercises and easy-to-implement practices that will awaken your transformation and connect you with the richness life has to offer.   Can you obtain a better night’s […]

Health Benefits of Mindfulness


Mindfulness Meditation helps us tune into the purpose of our daily goals. It doesn’t require any special equipment or equipment of any kind to start. There’s even a way to start with the less-crowded section of the physical world, which will eventually give way to more complicated applications. (Photo/Unsplash)   The importance of mindfulness in […]