6 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health And Maintain A Balanced Life


Being emotionally healthy does not imply that one is happy all the time. It means you are well aware of your emotions. You can deal with it, whether they are positive or negative.Key Facts of WHO states that the effects of not treating adolescent mental health issues extend to adulthood, impairing both physical and psychological […]

3 Bad Habits To Quit For Better Mental Health


We all have regular habits in our lives that can lift us up or put us down. Certain coping strategies, such as practising meditation or exercising to relieve stress, can help you navigate the world around you. But other coping strategies – like substance abuse and eating disorders – may be unhelpful, and these damaging […]

Changing Habits to Change Your Way of Life

Changing habits mentally to change your way of life towards fulfilling your potential. Identifying and overcoming the hidden habits that are holding you back.   What is a habit? We all know it is automatic behaviour without the need for thought, Guest Posting and changing habits is not easy. But are there not varying degrees […]

Keeping Senior Loved Ones Close When a Physical Visit Isn’t Possible


On a typical day, the average person doesn’t think about how it feels to go days with little human connection or interaction. With most of our communities practicing social distancing to stunt the spread of COVID-19, we are gaining a new level of empathy for what many older adults face every day. According to the […]

Special Health Benefits That Address Life’s Challenges


If you’ve ever struggled to find a ride to a doctor’s appointment, or gone without healthy food in your home, or been isolated from family and friends for a long time — you’re not alone. Humana recognizes these situations are barriers to good health — especially as we age — and provides benefits in its […]

How To Deal With Acne And Pigmentation For Dry Skin


Acne and pigmentation are welcomed by none. And for those with Dry skin, dealing with this could be no less than an unpleasant dream. Dry skin is the most sensitive of all skin types. This makes it more prone to rashes, acne, dark spots and pigmentation. Exposure to UV rays and free radical damage results […]

Expert Offers Tips to Boost Your Immunity


The ongoing pandemic has highlighted the importance of keeping your immune system strong and healthy, according to Leonard A. Farber, MD, a healthcare executive and expert in emerging technologies and their impact on public health. A Weak Immune System A weak immune system increases your risk not only for developing illness, but for a more […]

How Learning Guitar Can Improve Your Mental Health


Finding ways to maintain your mental health has never been more important. With fewer avenues to relieve the tension that builds up inside, you have to get creative, and there’s nothing more innovative than playing an instrument. Of course, there are tonnes to choose from, so picking one can be difficult. As well as opting […]

5 Ways Swimming can Boost Your Mental Health


Swimming is one of the most enjoyable sports known to mankind especially if you are just floating at the water and not doing laps. It will make you forget all your problems and put you in a good state of well-being. Whether it is doing laps around the pool or just chatting with your friends, […]

Top 5 Trends That Are Changing The Health Industry


Health trends can be defined as the most popular and emerging ways of staying healthy in the present time. They are not just based on one individual’s preference or opinion, but they are also dependent on what the media says and how much it influences people.   Health trends can be defined as the most […]