Top 8 Benefits of Exercising While Recovering from Addiction
There are many advantages of exercising for people as it helps human to keep body in shape and avoid illness. So let’s learn more about it. If you are recovering from addiction, it may be a good idea to take on some new healthy habits. One of them should be exercise. In this guide, we’re […]
Read to Combat Stress
Reading is good, one of the best ways to learn knowledge, this is how it is important and the reason we like it. See how author and psychologist Noelle C. Nelson gives us a perspective on it… Reading. Something we do every day, in many ways. We read street signs, we read directions, we read […]
Turning 65: What to Consider When Selecting a Medicare Plan
NewsUSA Approaching age 65 can be an overwhelming time for many newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries. When can you begin to enroll? Which plans should you consider? What do you need to know?Here’s some information that can help. You have a seven-month window called the Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) to sign up for Medicare benefits, which […]
Medicine Cabinets Need Spring Cleaning, Too
(NewsUSA) We all do it: we let over-the-counter (OTC) medicines like pain relievers for a headache, allergy medicine or cough and cold products pileup in our bathrooms. Especially over the past few years, you may have let medications linger in the house past their expiration dates. But old and unneeded medication should be disposed of […]